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6 Ways GPU Acceleration is Disrupting Financial Analytics

By Jacob Lee | September 19, 2017

Next-generation GPU computing is opening new opportunities for intelligent, real-time analytics within the Financial Services industry. It is widely reported that in the early 1800s, the Rothschild banking family of France set up a vast network of pigeon lofts spread across Europe, and deployed a prized coop of racing pigeons to fly between its financial…

Forecasting Sales Using Regression Analysis and UDFs

By Karthik Lalithraj | September 15, 2017

Congratulations. You’ve just been promoted to Vice President of Data and Analytics at one of the largest American auto manufacturers. Before you’ve even had a chance to sit down, have a cup of coffee, and enjoy your corner office on the 45th floor, your new boss needs to see a forecast of new car sales of the…

How to query billions of rows from any BI tool…in seconds

By Jonathan Greenberg | August 3, 2017

These days, practically any BI tool might claim to query billions of rows. However, I’ve yet to see any BI tool, out of the box, do this in sub-second time using SQL query…until now. As a matter of fact, in my first four months with Kinetica, we’ve been able to do this with Tableau, Power…

12 Features to Look for When Choosing a GPU-Accelerated Analytics Database

By Amit Vij | August 2, 2017

GPU acceleration is revolutionizing high-performance computing. Leveraging GPUs for processing-intensive workloads is on the rise, particularly among verticals such as finance, retail, logistics, health/pharma, and government. GPU-acceleration is opening new possibilities for machine learning, deep learning, data visualization, or simply performing faster queries, joins and row-by-row math. If you’re investigating whether a GPU database can…

How GlaxoSmithKline Uses Kinetica to Manage Their R&D Information Platform

By Richard West | July 19, 2017

Mark Ramsey, SVP, R&D Data, at GlaxoSmithKline, spoke at a recent IBM/Kinetica executive breakfast, where he discussed how GSK uses GPUs and Kinetica to help transform the way that data is used as a strategic asset within their R&D organization.   GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is a science-led global healthcare company that researches and develops a broad…

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