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Kinetica Blog

Chad Juliano | March 10, 2022

Tutorial – Interactive 3D Visualizations of Massive Datasets

Introduction For companies engaged in oil and gas exploration, getting fast access to high resolution data is an important enabler for finding the right locations to drill a well before their competitors....
Hari Subhash | January 16, 2022

From Batch to Streaming Analytics – At Scale?

The problem is widely felt. As data collection has mushroomed, traditional data systems struggle to produce timely alerts to problems and other real time events....
Hari Subhash | November 2, 2021

Analyze and Interact with Millions of Points of Geospatial Data on the Fly

Spatial data analysis is computationally intensive. Most solutions grind to a crawl at a few million points....
Saif Ahmed | October 18, 2021

Spatial Analytics: Optimizing Graphs on Geospatial Features

Our sat nav gives us options of the shortest route home, or avoiding tolls or highways. But what if we want the most scenic route home, or the most well-lit? Learn how to do this using a road networks as graphs, geo-spatial features as graph networks and graph optimizations.
Hari Subhash | August 26, 2021

Getting Started with Geospatial Functions

Geospatial data is any data that has a geographic component to it. A geographic component simply implies a location (or a set of locations) that can take the form of simple points on a map with latitude and longitude coordinates or more complex shapes that describe lines and boundaries, or even elevation....
Saif Ahmed | August 10, 2021

How to Optimize Supply Chains for COVID Vaccine Distribution using Geospatial Graphs

Multiple Supply Demand Chain Optimization (MSDO), is a common logistical problem where there are multiple sources and sinks and you're looking for the most optimal delivery routes.
Kaan Karamete | August 6, 2021

Data Visualization Forms in Kinetica

In this tech note, we’ll examine various data visualizations in Kinetica. In general, a typical data set might have both spatial and temporal components, called spatio-temporal. The nature of the spatial data variation is usually continuous.
Simon Ambridge | July 21, 2021

Accelerating Geospatial Queries for Supply Chain… from Days with Alteryx, to Seconds on Kinetica

Recently, a top 3 global retailer was able to reduce run times for a strategic analytic application from days on Alteryx to just 22 seconds using Kinetica....
Hari Subhash | July 14, 2021

An Introduction to OLAP for Data Analytics

Data is a critical part of modern businesses. Almost all of our interactions with businesses – online or otherwise- end up touching a business decision system that is based on data....
Jeffrey Yin | May 19, 2021

Streaming Data Use Cases: Supporting Real Time Store Replenishment Needs

For major retail companies, it is a crucial challenge for the business control center to know each store’s in-stock quantities in real time....